Sunday 26 April 2020

Y8: Of Mice & Men | Chapter 1 (Week 2)

Hi Y8,

We hope you’re all doing well. 

(If you are in 8B, 8N or 8S, you've already read Chapter 1. Have a quick browse for revision purposes, then continue working on the tasks here)

Here is your work for the week beginning  27th April:

Title: Of Mice and Men: Chapter 1

1) Read Chapter 1 of Of Mice and Men. You can use the document below (up to page 18), download a copy of the whole text, or try the next link. Scroll down for a link to the audiobook too.

Alternative version:

Here's the audiobook, read by Gary Sinise (who plays George in the film). Why not read along as you listen - just as you would in class? Chapter 1 ends at 28 mins.

2) Have a go at the ‘summarise’, ‘create’ and 'test yourself' tasks on this powerpoint:

Well done folks. Please feel free to leave a comment or email your teacher if you have any problems or questions.

Stay safe,


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