Tuesday 21 April 2020

Y7: Finishing 'Animal Farm' (Weeks 1-3)

Hello Year 7,

Welcome to Downstairs in H Block, the new English Department Blog where we'll be posting tasks and resources to keep you going with Year 7 English until we're back in school.

You can follow this blog by email for updates whenever there is a new post. Just pop your email address into the 'Follow by email' box on the right of the screen.

The first thing we'd like you to do is to finish your work on George Orwell's Animal Farm.
Here are some tasks for the next three weeks to get you to the end of this unit before we move on:

1) Read to the end of the book (you'll find a copy of the text below). 

I think most of you have read Chapter 7 (Napoleon's Reign of Terror). 7N might need to pick up from Chapter 5 or 6. One of Miss Stamp's classes has read Chapter 8 (The Battle of the Windmill). 

My advice is to do most of the reading in Week 1 (the first week after Easter, beginning April 20th), finish the reading in Week 2 and spend the rest of Week 2 and then Week 3 doing the tasks and looking at the optional stuff below.

Use the text below or the chapter summaries on this document to find where you are up to. There are only 10 chapters in the book - so you're nearly there.

You can listen along as you read with this YouTube audiobook (see the comments for links to the start of each chapter) or this playlist on Spotify

As you finish each chapter, you could write a chapter summary (using Cornell notes?) or have a go at the Sparknotes quick chapter quizzes: 6, 7, 8, 9, 10.

Here's the pdf version of the text (which you can read here or download):

When you've finished all the reading... 

2) Have a go at this quiz on Animal Farm.

3) Watch the classic animated film. It lasts for 1 hour and 10 minutes (for some reason, it restarts again in the second half of this Youtube video).

4) Write a book review on Google Forms.

Extra (optional) stuff to consider:
  • Use this teacher's guide to find more chapter-by-chapter activites, discussion topics, essay questions and creative opportunities:

We'll update this blog in a few weeks to get you started on Shakespeare.
