Saturday 23 January 2021

Y8: Week 4 | Oliver arrives in London

Hello again Year 8,


This week, we’ll continue our introductory study of Oliver Twist. I was really pleased to hear from some of you that you’ve started reading the novel independently. Nothing will make a bigger difference in terms of keeping your education on the right track than reading challenging texts!


We’ve reached a point where young Oliver has run away from the Sowerberry’s, where he was being bullied and mistreated, especially by his fellow undertaker’s apprentice, Noah Claypole. Now, after a long journey on foot towards London, he bumps into a boy called Jack Dawkins.  


Below, you’ll find the lessons for this week. But first, here are some useful resources if you want to really push yourself and enjoy Oliver Twist in more detail:


An online copy of Oliver Twist, with audio recordings of each chapter so you can listen along.

A pdf copy of Oliver Twist which you can download.

The BBC’s two-part adaptation of Oliver Twist on iPlayer (until the end of February)


Do let us know if you’re reading the whole book!


Here are the lessons for this week. When you’ve completed a lesson, take one photo and keep hold of it until you share a sample of your work at the end of the week. Your teacher and Mrs Koczy and I will be checking that work has been completed – and if it’s not on Teams, it’s not done!



Lesson 1:


First, do the next lesson on Oliver Twist from Oak National Academy: Oliver Meets Jack Dawkins


Next, do this recap quiz on the last unit and what you’ve learnt so far in this unit. If you don’t have time for this today, you can do it later in the week or in independent study time, but make sure you get it done at some point before next week.


Optional extension task for lesson 1:

Watch this scene from the 1968 musical, Oliver!






Lesson 2:


Do the next lesson on Oliver Twist from Oak National Academy: Oliver Meets Fagin


Optional extension task for lesson 2:


Watch this scene from David Lean’s 1948 movie version of Oliver Twist. Don’t be put off by its age. The British Film Institute ranked this film as number 46 in its list of the top 100 British films and placed it in its list of 50 films you should see by the age of 14.






Lesson 3:


Do the next lesson on Oliver Twist from Oak National Academy: Oliver Learns the Trade


Optional extension task for lesson 3:

Watch this clip from the musical, Oliver!


You’ve Got to Pick a Pocket or Two


If you’re enjoying the clips from this musical and you haven’t seen it before, the whole movie is on Clickview. You just need your school log-in details to access it.






That’s the end of this week’s work. Well done!

Don’t forget to share a sample of your work on the week 4 assignment on Teams. Just one photo this week. And make sure you’ve done our recap quiz on what you’ve learnt so far this year.


We’ll be back next week with a little bit more work on Oliver Twist. Then we’ll start thinking about our full novel study.


Have a good and safe weekend,


Mr M

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