Saturday 2 January 2021

9D & 9W: Lesson 1 (2021) | Frankenstein Chapter 20 (3.3)

 Happy New Year 9D and 9W,


Welcome back to Downstairs in H Block, the English Department’s Key Stage 3 blog! Unfortunately, it’s remote learning for the next half-term. We’re looking forward to seeing you all again as soon as possible. Here’s our plan for the next few weeks:

  • we’ll try to get all Year 9 tutor groups up to the same place and make progress towards the end of the gothic unit
  • we carry on with our normal curriculum, using a range of resources, including lessons from Oak National Academy
  • we’ll send out work twice a week (this week, it will be on Tuesday and Thursday)
  • your teacher will be available to help if you need to get in touch with them
  • you should send your teacher pictures of your work


Let’s review where we are up to in our curriculum journey (click to enlarge):

9D and 9W are both up to the 3rd chapter of Volume 3 of Frankenstein (chapter 20 in some editions), so we’ll be picking up from there. 9S and 9N will have caught you up by the end of the week.


Here’s your work for the first part of this week:

1) Do this recap quiz on the first two volumes of Frankenstein.


2) Write a title: Frankenstein: Chapter 20 (Vol.3 Ch. 3)

Add the date and make sure you underline. You can write on paper if you don’t have your book with you.

Read the chapter on the doc below or download a copy:

You can listen along to an audiobook here.


3) Answer the questions on the sheet below. You can write in your book, on paper or you can download a word doc and add your answers.


That’s it for today. We’ll be back on Thursday with more work on Frankenstein.


Remember to get in touch with your English teacher if you need any help with your remote learning.



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