Monday 1 June 2020

Y8: Of Mice and Men | Chapter 5 (Week 6)

Saoirse Monica Jackson as Curley's wife

Hi Year 8,

We hope you had a good half-term and enjoyed the sun.
This week, we’re going to continue to blast through John Steinbeck’s Of Mice and Men. Only two chapters to go!

Here’s your work for the week beginning June 1st:

Title: Of Mice and Men: Chapter 5

1) Read Chapter 5 of Of Mice and Men. Here’s an audiobook link (skip to 2 hr 59m 16sec). Chapter 5 begins on page 84 of the document below. Alternative version here (go to p.148).

If you are viewing on an Apple device and can’t see the download button on the doc below, you can download it here.

2) Have a go at the tasks on this powerpoint:

There's more information about the role of women in 1930s America here:

Please feel free to leave a comment or email your teacher if you have any problems or questions.

Stay safe,


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