Sunday 3 May 2020

Y9: Dystopian Short Stories 1 (Week 3)

Hi folks,

This week, we're going to start looking at some great dystopian short stories.

First up: Harrison Bergeron, by Kurt Vonnegut, Jr.

Here’s the story (read here, or download a copy). You can listen along with this audiobook version too, if you like.

(If you are viewing on an Apple device and can’t see the download button on the doc below, you can download it here. The story starts on page 3.)


In this short story, set in the United States in 2081, everyone is equal. Brainstorm your initial ideas about this concept.  How might people be equal?  Does this sound more like a utopia or dystopia? In what ways might this equality be achieved?  Can you think of any drawbacks to equality? 


1) Read the story, stopping to look at the questions and notes in the margin as you go.
2) Answer questions 1-4 on page 10 of the story document.
3) Do the tasks on the powerpoint below:

Explore further:
If you enjoyed Vonnegut’s writing, find out more:

That’s it for this week. There will be another dystopian short story next week.

Stay safe,


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