Sunday 26 April 2020

Y9: Introducing Dystopia (Week 2)

Hi folks,

Here's your work for the week beginning 27th April:

Title: An extract from George Orwell's 1984.

Read this extract from the start of the novel.
Then do the tasks below:

1) Using only paragraph 2, list four things you learn about the building in which Winston lives.

2) What clues do we get in the extract that the novel is a dystopia? Make a list.

3) What do the words 'BIG BROTHER IS WATCHING YOU' suggest to the reader about the world of 1984?

4) What do you think the following terms could mean? What might we be able to deduce from these terms? Brainstorm some ideas for each:
- Hate Week
- Newspeak
- Victory Mansions
- The Ministry of Truth

 5) Finally, write a paragraph summarising what you've learnt about the dystopian world of 1984.

Optional extension tasks:

 - Check out this bonus blogpost about a real-life totalitarian state.

 - Find out more about Orwell by watching this 'School of Life' video
 - Watch the Sparknotes summary of 1984
 - Watch a clip from the 1984 movie - 'The Two Minutes' Hate'
 - Or even read the whole novel here.

We'll be back next week with some work on dystopian short stories.

Stay safe,


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