Saturday 20 February 2021

Y8: Week 7 | Oliver Twist: The Climax

Welcome back Year 8,


We hope you had a nice half-term.


This week, we will finish the Oak unit on Oliver Twist and find out what happens to Oliver, Nancy, Bill, Fagin, the mysterious Monks and the inheritance that he is after.


Last time, Oliver was involved in a botched burglary, got shot and was taken in by the Maylies. Later, Nancy met Rose Maylie and told her about a conversation she overheard, including details about Oliver’s past, his inheritance and a mysterious stranger called Monks (Oliver’s half-brother) who needs Oliver out of the way. We now know that Oliver is in grave danger!


Below, you’ll find the lessons for this week. If you’re reading the full novel, we’ve covered up to Chapter 41 and will pick up this week at Chapter 47.


Here are some useful resources if you want to really push yourself and enjoy Oliver Twist in more detail:


Here are your lessons for this week:




Lesson 1:


Do the next lesson on Oliver Twist from Oak National Academy: Nancy’s Death


Please note that this lesson contains a description of domestic violence. If this is a sensitive topic to you, we recommend checking with a trusted adult before starting or doing the lesson with a trusted adult nearby.


You’ll also notice that you can now share your Oak quiz results with us by copying and pasting your results link into Teams!




Lesson 2:


Do the penultimate lesson on Oliver Twist from Oak National Academy: What Happens to Sikes and Fagin?


Optional extension task for lesson 2:

Watch these climactic scenes in Fagin and Bill’s stories:

Clip 1: from Oliver Twist (2005)

Clip 2: from Oliver! (1968)





Lesson 3:


Do the final lesson on Oliver Twist from Oak National Academy: The End


When you've finished, click here to view this week's assignment.


Optional extension task for lesson 3:

Watch the last five minutes of the classic 1948 movie, Oliver Twist.


Don’t forget, the BBC’s two-part adaptation of Oliver Twist is on iPlayer for just one more week.



That’s the end of the first part of our ‘Introduction to the Novel’ unit. Well done! But we still have another great novel to read, and we’ll start next week. It’s a bit easier (and much shorter) than Oliver Twist, but it was a GCSE set-text for years and is full of big ideas to get your teeth into. You’re going to love it!



Mr M

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