Wednesday 6 January 2021

Y8: Lesson 2 | Robinson Crusoe and Verisimilitude

Hello again Year 8!


Thanks for sending all the work from your first lesson in the novel unit. We have two more introductory lessons coming up, then we’ll be launching into some study of Charles Dickens’s Oliver Twist with the good people at Oak National Academy.

Today, we’re going to learn a new word:



Here’s your work for the second part of this week:

1) Write a title: Robinson Crusoe and Verisimilitude

Add the date and make sure you underline. You can write on paper if you don’t have your book with you.


2) Write down a definition:

  •   Verisimilitude: the appearance of being true or real


3) Work through this powerpoint presentation. Make sure you do all the tasks and make beautiful notes!


4) Start learning some key words for this unit on Quizlet.

Flick through the flashcards first to read the definitions. Then try to learn them. Don’t worry – we don’t expect you to know them all yet. They’ll only stick when we’ve used them and quizzed you on them a few times.


That’s it for today. We’ll be back on Monday with another English lesson, this time exploring a common theme in early novels.


Remember to get in touch with your English teacher if you need any help with your remote learning.




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