Wednesday 6 January 2021

9D/9W: Lesson 2 | Frankenstein - Chapter 21 (3.4)

 Hello again 9D/W!


Our aim is to get to the end of Frankenstein within two weeks and then get started on our next unit: war poetry. We're approaching the climax of the novel now! We still have separate blogposts for different forms today, but we’ll all be in the same place by next week and we’ll shift everything to Teams.



Here’s your work for the second part of this week:


1) Write a title: Frankenstein: Chapter 21 (Vol.3 Ch. 4)

Add the date and make sure you underline. You can write on paper if you don’t have your book with you.


Read the chapter on the doc below or download a copy here: Chapter 21

You can listen along to an audiobook here.


2) Write a summary of the events of this chapter.


3) Complete the following ‘because, but, so’ task.

You need to write out three perfectly punctuated sentences, in full.  


  • At this point in the novel, Shelley makes us sympathise with Frankenstein because
  • At this point in the novel, Shelley makes us sympathise with Frankenstein, but
  • At this point in the novel, Shelley makes us sympathise with Frankenstein, so

Make sure you use a comma, where required.

When you’ve finished, send your sentences to your teacher in an email or on Teams.


That’s it for today. We’ll be back on Tuesday with more work on Frankenstein.


Remember to get in touch with your English teacher if you need any help with your remote learning.



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