Sunday 21 June 2020

Y9: Dystopia | Fahrenheit 451 (Week 9)

Hello again Year 9,

Let’s get cracking into the second part of Fahrenheit 451: The Sieve and the Sand.

Here’s your work for the week beginning 22nd June:

2) Write a title: Montag’s rebellion and Meeting Faber

3) Make a list of predictions about where the story might go next:

  • What kind of story will it turn out to be?
  • How might the tension rise?
  • What might be the climax?
  • How will Montag change?
  • Are you expecting a happy or sad ending?

4) Read Fahrenheit 451 from page 67 to page 88 (to ‘Montag was in the dark street again, looking at the world.’).

You can read/download the text here. There is an audiobook that you can listen along with here (skip to 1 hr 54 mins 24 sec).

5) As you read, or after you’ve read, answer these ‘keeping track’ questions. You can download an editable word document here, or answer the questions in your book using the document below:

Optional tasks:

Watch this video about the ancient Greek philosopher Plato’s Allegory of the Cave. (An allegory is a story that has a deeper meaning and which should be read symbolically.)

Some readers think that Fahrenheit 451 is a modern re-telling of the ‘Allegory of the Cave’. Explain how this allegory connects to Fahrenheit 451.
(If you get stuck, don’t worry - I’ll provide some ideas next week.)

Another modern story which connects to Plato’s Allegory of the Cave is the dystopian movie, The Matrix. Check out these clips and consider how they relate to Fahrenheit 451 and Plato’s allegory:

Finally, watch this Fahrenheit 451 context video on Clickview (sorry, I only just found it!). You’ll need your normal school log-in details.

That’s it for now. Next week, we’ll finish Part 2 of the book. We’re on schedule to finish the book in the final week.

Let us know if you have any problems. Please feel free to leave a comment if you have any observations or questions about the book.


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