Sunday 28 June 2020

Y9: Dystopia | Fahrenheit 451 (Week 10)

Hello Year 9,

This week, we’ll get to the end of the second part of Fahrenheit 451 and set ourselves up for the climax of the novel.

Here’s your work for the week beginning 29th June:

2) Write a title: Back to the firehouse
3) Read Fahrenheit 451 from page 88 (‘You could feel the war…’) to page 106 (end of Part 2).

You can read/download the text here. There is an audiobook that you can listen along with here (skip to 1 hr 15 min 12 sec). Or this one (2 hr 57 min 18 sec).
4) As you read, or after you’ve read, answer these ‘keeping track’ questions. You can download an editable word document here, or answer the questions in your book using the document below:

Optional tasks:
  • Refresh your list of predictions about what might happen in the final part of the novel.
    • What happens next to Montag / Mildred / his house?
    • What kind of story will it turn out to be?
    • How might the tension rise?
    • What might be the climax?
    • How will Montag change?
    • Are you expecting a happy or sad ending?

  • Consider the significance of these allusions to Montag’s story:

(We’ll suggest some ideas next week.)

  • Read about the Luddites and complete these ‘because, but so’ sentences:
Perhaps Ray Bradbury is a bit of a Luddite because…
Perhaps Ray Bradbury is a bit of a Luddite, but…
Perhaps Ray Bradbury is a bit of a Luddite, so…

That’s it for now. Next week, we’ll launch into the final, climactic part of the book.

Let us know if you have any problems. Please feel free to leave a comment if you have any observations or questions about the book.


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