Saturday, 20 June 2020

Y8: OMAM Character Study: Curley's Wife

Hello Year 8,

This week, we’ll be focusing on one of the most interesting characters in Of Mice and Men: Curley’s wife.

  • Why did Steinbeck include this character?
  • Why doesn’t Steinbeck give her a name?
  • Why are all the characters so scared of her?
  • What is Steinbeck trying to say about the role of women in the 1930s?
  • Is his portrayal of her sexist? Or is he trying to make a point about sexism? 
These are the kinds of questions we’ll be considering today.

Look at these movie posters for the 1939 version of Of Mice and Men. Curley’s wife features prominently on both, and is even labelled ‘dangerous’. But is this representation a fair picture of the character Steinbeck created?


Here are your tasks for the week beginning 22nd June:

1) Write a title: Who is Curley’s wife?

2) Read the information and do the tasks on this powerpoint. You have a choice of three writing tasks.

There are some additional, optional resources on Curley’s wife that might help you below:

That’s all for now. Remember, if you enjoyed Of Mice and Men and would like another recommended read, check out To Kill a Mockingbird or Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry:

Have a good week,


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