Sunday 7 June 2020

Y8: Of Mice and Men | Chapter 6 (Week 7)

Hello Year 8,

Well, this is it – we’ve reached the final chapter of Of Mice and Men! Prepare yourself!

Here’s your work for the week beginning June 8th:

Title: Of Mice and Men: Chapter 6

1) Read Chapter 6 of Of Mice and Men. Here’s an audiobook link (skip to 3 hr 35m 40sec). Chapter 6 begins on page 98 of the document below. Alternative version here (go to p.174).

If you are viewing on an Apple device and can’t see the download button on the doc below, you can download it here.

2) Have a go at the tasks on this powerpoint:

So, what did you think of the ending of the novella? Shocked? Surprised? Annoyed? Why not leave a comment and let us know?

Treat yourself:

You can watch the excellent 1994 film version of Of Mice and Men on Clickview. You need to click this link and sign in using your school login details.

Please feel free to leave a comment or email your teacher if you have any problems or questions. Next week, we’ll consider some of the themes and issues that are raised in the book.

Stay safe,


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