Monday 11 May 2020

Y8: Of Mice and Men | Chapter 3 (Week 4)

Hello again, Y8!

Hope you're all well. Thanks for all your hard work over the last week. Please make sure you did last week’s quiz before you move on to this week’s work – that way your teacher will know that you’ve been getting the work done and can reward your efforts.

(If you are in 8B or 8N, you’ve read half of this chapter. Skim to where you got up to in class, then read carefully from there. If you can’t remember, read this chapter from the start.)

Here is your work for the week beginning  11th May:

Title: Of Mice and Men: Chapter 3

1) Read Chapter 3 of Of Mice and Men. Here’s the audiobook link (skip to 1 hr 3m 20sec). Chapter 3 begins on page 39 of the document below. Alternative version here (go to p.70).

If you are viewing on an Apple device and can’t see the download button on the doc below, you can download it here.

2) Have a go at the ‘summarise’, ‘create’ and 'test yourself' tasks on this powerpoint:

Well, was that dramatic enough for y'all?

We're all in the same place now. Well done! 

Please feel free to leave a comment or email your teacher if you have any problems or questions.

Stay safe,


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