Sunday 17 May 2020

Y7: Shakespeare's World (Week 5)

Hello Y7,

I hope you’re all okay and that you enjoyed learning about the life of the Bard!

This week, you’ll be learning more about Shakespeare’s world – and especially his theatre.

Tasks for the week beginning 18th May:

2) Find out what you can about Shakespeare’s world and his famous theatre, The Globe.
  • who reigned in England during Shakespeare’s career?
  • what was London like during this time?
  • what were the theatres (or public playhouses) like?
  • where, when (and how) was the Globe built?
  • what was the Globe like?
  • what was it like to watch, or to act in, a Shakespeare play?
Presenting your work
Like last week, you can do any of the following:
  • Make notes in your exercise book
  • Make notes on paper (if you don’t have your book)
  • Create a powerpoint presentation (you could share this with your teacher via email, or even with your whole class when we get back)
  • Create a poster/factsheet

There are loads of great resources out there to help you on this research task. Here are just a few of the best ones:

Have a good explore. We’ll quiz you on this stuff next week.
Speaking of quizzes, here’s the True or False quiz from last week with answers included:

That’s all for now. Next week: Shakespeare and Genre.

Hope you’re all well!


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